We usually know when we have reached our limit. We have let the bottled-up stress of everyday life overwhelm us. It happens to me way too often than I like to admit. These are the moments when I know I need to care for myself on a deeper level. I need soul care! Below are seven ways we can all acquire soul care starting today.
Soul care is the daily process of cultivating healthy thought patterns and taking inventory of emotions so that you can walk in obedience and live freely before God while also healthily forming meaningful relationships with other people.
Read the Bible
Reading the Bible is the most important thing to do for soul care. We need the Word to fill our minds, hearts, and souls daily. The Bible gives us a clear picture of Christ and ourselves. It helps to keep us focused on what is essential in our lives.
As we pray and read the Bible–God will grow us in the knowledge of who He is. Therefore our faith is built up, and our intimacy with Christ deepens. He fills us up with His Spirit, Truth, and Love. Then what will come out of our lives is the fruit of the Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Reading is good for soul care. We learn so many new things when we read. Reading expands our minds, and it can be a good escape from a long day. Also, we can connect with other women who are reading the same books in church, book clubs, online groups, and other spaces.
Meditation and journaling
Meditation and journaling are valuable for soul care because they help us calm and clear our minds. Also, both can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Another benefit is both can help with self-awareness. We become more mindful of how we feel. As a result, we can respond to everyday situations and communicate our feelings better.
Meditation and journaling can also help us to be centered. Which means we are balanced and at peace. Stress can be disruptive, and we need to realign ourselves with our values and beliefs.
Getting out of the house
Getting out of the house by ourselves is healthful to soul care. Most of us spend the bulk of our time at home. It can feel suffocating. I used to feel guilty for leaving the house, but I have learned that it is necessary for my mental health. I like to take long drives to breathe in some fresh air. Take a walk to enjoy the sunshine. Gaze at the sunset. Listen to music. Sit on the patio and enjoy a good book. Go to a nearby coffee shop. Walk around Target or a favorite store. Whatever helps me clear my mind, I do that.
Talk to someone we trust
Talking to someone we trust, like a family member, close friend, or therapist, is beneficial to soul care. It is a great way to get things off our chests. If we are in an exciting season of life, we can share that. Or, if we are in a season of suffering, we may need help to process what we are going through and for someone to pray with us. It is helpful to talk about the things going on in our hearts. God comforts us through others.
Social media fast
Lastly, taking a social media fast is significant to soul care. Social media is a great way to stay connected to people. However, it can cause a lot of unhealthy comparisons. Comparing ourselves to others can lead to anxiety, depression, and discontentment in many homemakers. We start putting expectations on ourselves that God has not put on us.
In addition, we become dissatisfied with what God has given us. Whenever we reach this point, it is probably time to disconnect. As we fast, we can take some time to reflect and start adding new habits into our lives that are good for our overall well-being.
In conclusion, we are better Christians, women, wives, mothers, and homemakers when we care for ourselves. I hope this post inspires you to add things into your life that are good for your soul. Comment below and share what you do for soul care.
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